I used to tell a story to get the SHELLOIL word to come up. [If 142 Israelis and 154 Arabs are fighting over 69 acres of land for 5 days, who won?" To get the answer, you multiply 14215469 by 5, so that 71077345].

Wifi passwords are a bit of fun also. "itsonthefridge" "FBIVan", and "PrettyFlyForAWifi"are good ones.

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that's a good one for SHELLOIL; I think there was a more creative one for BOOBS as well but I don't remember it. PrettyFlyForAWiFi is stellar; I'm off to rename mine now

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What were some other "upside down calculator" games? I remember BOOBIES, of course, but weren't there some other shenanigans we nerds used to entertain ourselves like this?

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Shell Oil was the other one I remember - 710.77345. dam we were easy to entertain

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Even lamer: 0.7734

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Poor octal fell short and never had anything to offer in the humor department. Think what a super notation base 32 could offer us!

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That is such a good point, I forgot about octal! I think hex hit the sweet spot of human readability and ingenuity where base 32 is toooo many characters to keep track of.

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You probably got to a point where you could think in hex, just like someone who masters a new language. I always had to mentally translate back and forth as a student. Fun post! Keep ‘em coming.

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